About radiographs

Digital Dental Radiographs

Digital Dental X-Rays 

Our office uses the latest in dental technology to better diagnose and treat patients.  This is why we use digital radiography or digital x-rays in our office. Digital radiography is a type of X-ray imaging that uses digital X-ray sensors to replace traditional photographic X-ray film. The results are enhanced computer images of teeth, gums, and other oral structures with less radiation exposure for our patients. Digital dental X-rays, provide great detail and are used to detect cavities, check the status of teeth and monitor teeth and bone health.  

What are the Benefits of Digital Dental X-Rays 

When compared to traditional dental X-rays, digital x-rays have many benefits including the following: 

  • Less radiation exposure to patients and staff. 
  • Digital radiographs are fast. They can be viewed instantly on any computer screen, manipulated to enhance contrast and detail. 
  • Digital radiographs are detailed. They can reveal small hidden areas of decay between teeth or below existing restorations (fillings), bone infections, gum (periodontal) disease, abscesses or cysts, developmental abnormalities and tumors that cannot be detected with only a visual dental examination. 
  • Easy to store. Digital technology allows greater data storage capacity on small, space-saving drives. 
  • Dental digital radiographs eliminate chemical processing and disposal of hazardous wastes and lead foil, thereby presenting a “greener” and eco-friendly alternative. 
  • Digital radiographs can be shared easily to other dental professionals  
  • Digital dental images can be stored easily in electronic patient records and, sent quickly electronically to insurance companies, referring dentists or consultants, often eliminating or reducing treatment disruption and leading to faster dental insurance reimbursements. Safety Considerations with Digital X-Rays Even though radiation exposure is significantly lower with digital radiographs, no one should receive more radiation than necessary. Protective lead aprons and thyroid collars should be used, especially for pregnant women. Our staff has received special training on how to take x-rays in the safest manner possible while minimizing the radiation exposure for patients and staff.